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HTML5 Games

Game design and development in responsive HTML5 is often a great choice! When playing a game in HTML5, you're playing the game in your browser. Just click and play! 


HTML5 means you can easily link the game from your website simply by adding a normal HTML link to it. The same goes for Facebook and other social media: just share the link and people can click and play. Also, a simple link can be communicated in other media, like printable media (maybe in the form of a QR-code?). Linking back from the game to - for instance - one of your products, is also easy.

HTML5 doesn't need downloading or installing. No plug-ins are required. Just click and play! It's very convenient for players.

We're proud to be one of few game designers who not only develop in HTML5, we develop in responsive HTML5, meaning that the game resizes itself to fit every screen, from smartphone to desktop!

Also, it is cross platform and cross browser compatible. This means that virtually every device supports HTML5, from iOS/Android smartphones to Apple Macs and PC's. The same goes for most modern browsers, from Google Chrome to Microsoft Edge. It can even be played on some smart TV's, although that's still a little experimental.

HTML5 is the cheapest platform to develop a game on. It is often 5 times cheaper than an app and 25 times cheaper than deployment on Steam! 

Development in HTML5 is by far the fastest way to develop a game. A simple game can be designed and developped in as little as one week!

HTML5 mostly has an easy development trajectory. No "messy" deployments on third party platforms, but development straight in the browser. Testing is also easy.

Collecting payments is very lucrative in HTML5 as this can be done via a payment provider. The payment provider often only takes small percentages per payment, like 1%. On other platforms, like appstores and Steam store, this is often 30%.

HTML5 games are created in HTML and Javascript with on the serverside often PHP and SQL as main programming languages. This means the game can most probably  easily communicate with other parts of your website. For instance, tha game can add an e-mail address to your e-mail list, post statistics to your system or interact in some other way.

HTML5 is open source.


Available CPU is limited (computer power) in HTML5 as it is a system that is layered on top of an other system (the browser) which causes limitations in available CPU. This means that having very intensive special effects and animations like a multitude of huge explosions in the game may cause stuttering performance on old devices. Also, because we want to cater for all devices, we want the game to run smoothly on devices with bad CPU (like old  smartphones). While you can diversify a little by for instance halving particles on these devices, high intensive effects are often avoided.

3D is not possible in HTML5.

HTML5 doesn't have access to core functionalities of the device, like its contact list and its camera. Also it's hard to send push notifications and place an icon on the desktop.


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